
Kimchi Kawaii

Created by Kimchi Kawaii

Pre-order Korean food pins. Add on Korean culture pins. Or get some cute, kawaii plush.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Test is Out
4 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 09:27:04 PM

Hi all,

Thanks for bearing with me! This was my first time using Backer Kit - all my previous campaigns have been with Kickstarter and so there's been a bit of a learning curve here to figure out the survey build. But it's finally been reviewed and cleared! First step was sending out a smoke test to a small group of backers. This will allow me to catch if there are any issues remaining before I sent out to everyone. Hoping the rest can go out by early next week.

Also, if you missed out on things the pre-order shop is open now as well. So those who were following but missed the campaign can still get in in the first group of people to get these. You can also add additional items if you want when you do your survey.

Survey Review
10 days ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 09:53:55 PM

It's taken me a bit to figure out as I've never done surveys on Backer Kit before, but I think I finally got it all set up and it's now off at review. Once I get the ok, I'll be sending out the smoke test to a small handful of backers to make sure things are working fine and then will send out the rest. I hope to have all surveys out by end of next week.

In the meantime, I finalized all files and sent them to my manufacturer to prep for production, we should still be on schedule! One of the things I learned is that they can now do gradient printing on pins. So the radish and leek filler pins will now feature a gradient instead of the halftone printing which was the only way to hint at gradient before. Super excited about this!

That's about all from me for now! Will update once I get the survey approval.

Back from Katsucon, Getting Caught Up
19 days ago – Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 09:49:01 PM

Hi all,

Was selling at Katsucon this past weekend and traveling which meant not much internet access. Am back home now and will be getting the pre-order shop up and the surveys out as well. I know I'm a bit behind as I'm seeing surveys going out from other campaigns, but it was just unfortunate timing with Pintopia ending right as I was flying cross country to Katsu. Oof!

Thank You!
25 days ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 06:19:37 PM

Hi all,

I know we still have about 19 hours or so left, but I'm going to be flying cross country when this thing ends and so won't really have access for most of the day so I wanted to get in a thank you ahead of time here!

I did notice as of writing that we dipped below the $5k needed for the second filler pins' goal. At this point, I'm not going to re-lock it. They will go into production with everything else, unless something drastic happens. But obviously, not going to complain if people want to push the final funding up over $5k here in the last half day!

Once I'm back from con (if you're going to Katsucon in MD, come say 'hi' in the artist alley!), I'll start getting stuff ready for surveys and ordering and corresponding if there are any backer issues.

The Home Stretch!
26 days ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 09:00:32 PM

Hi all,

First off, want to say thank you to all who've hung in here with me! To those at the start who helped get this off to such an amazing start, to those who came on in the middle during the slow period that every crowdfunding campaign deals with and those who are coming on here at the end to help us finish strong.

As of writing, we just unlocked the second filler pin set! So if you were waiting to see if that would be available to either get or add-on to an existing pledge it is!

Let's finish this strong!