
Kimchi Kawaii

Created by Kimchi Kawaii

Pre-order Korean food pins. Add on Korean culture pins. Or get some cute, kawaii plush.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stretch! More Filler Pins!
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 10:10:18 PM

Fresh to market: More filler pins! You asked, so here they are. These will unlock when we hit $5,000.

Set will include four 1" pins: soy sauce, napa cabbage, persimmon and garlic. Backers to the filler pin set level will be able to choose from either set. It can also be added to existing pledges through the Add-On Shop. Let's do it!

New Pin: Honey Butter Chips!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 06:41:55 PM

Big update with lots of info here!

Thank you to all who've helped this fund so beyond what I expected! I've been scrambling to come up with new designs here, but you're all funding faster than I can design so the new pin is already unlocked!

I did a poll over the weekend for what people wanted to see next and Honey Butter Chips won. It is now in the Add-On shop.

New pledge tiers have been added as well!
  • Jimin's Muse pin has it's own pledge tier if you want. He's also in the add-on shop if you want to add this super detailed pin to your current pledge level.
  • Since we've unlocked so many pins, there is now a 13 pin level.

More Pins Coming
Bibimbap was tied with the Honey Bun plush after the chips so I'll be working on vectoring that one next. I'm also working on another super detailed design - a fierce looking haetae ready to fight for justice. And there MIGHT be another filler pin set of more Korean food ingredients if I can get these others done fast enough. Stay tuned!

Next Stretch Goals - You Vote!!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 08:40:31 AM

Jimin's Muse pin unlocked last night and since we're only on the second day and don't have any intent of just resting on our laurels....I've created a poll to determine the next stretch goal(s).

More Korean food pins! I don't have the sketches just yet, but I have either bibimbap or honey butter chips on the list.

Plush! I actually have a few plush already prototyped and so was wondering if people wanted a second shot at either Honey Bun or Cinnamon Bun. As plush, these would definitely have a much higher goal to hit funding, but if people want them, I'm willing to give it a shot. (I know they're not Korean related other than being designed by a Korean, but it's REALLY rough to try to get funding for a plush off a sketch).

So make sure to get in your vote! Poll closes Sunday so I can prep stuff.

about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 12:12:38 PM

Oh wow!!!! I just logged in and main and all stretches are funded within 2 hours of launch!! You are all amazing! I'm a bit late to the party here cause I'm working my day job today and so had to wait til lunch break here.

Soooo what does that mean? I've got a few more designs done and so will be throwing in more stretch goals - I just added Strawberry Milk.

If you like more complex designs, I have a few others up my sleeve. One is done, but the other I'm still working on design-wise and should have done by this weekend and will throw it in too. Go big or go home, right???

I'll also be adding in all the current food designs to the Add-on shop since they are all going to be produced.

Once again, thank you all so much! I know this is a rather niche subject and so wasn't sure how this one would go.

Stay tuned for new designs coming soon!

New Design and New Stretch Goal
about 2 months ago – Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 08:47:13 PM

We're getting so close to launch! I decided to squeeze out ah-boong and swapped it into Stretch Goal #2. Strawberry Milk will move to a mini-stretch #3.